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Water Tank Talk

Westcoast Trailer and Caravan Services, Filtered Water

We take it for granted, living as we do in the comfort of our

homes. It’s simple, turn on any tap and clean fresh drinking water flows out. Depending where your source is, it still may contain some Chemical Contaminates such as Copper, which is why many homes use a filtration system, but we really have no need nor concern for any bugs that might make us sick.

When it comes to our Camping Trailer or Caravan Water Tank or water containers, we really need to step back and think for a moment. Many will grab the garden hose, pop it in the Filler and turn on that clean fresh water that makes up between 55 - 60% of our bodies.

Stop for a moment. There are some questions you need to consider.

  • How long has the water remaining in your tank been in there?

  • Where did you last fill your tank up?

  • Did you leave your tank full or empty?

  • Has the tank been exposed to warm or cold weather since its last use?

The answers to these, could save you and your family a sore stomach and a night upon the “Thunder Box” or worse.

There is some good news! If you’re an avid traveler and your tank is filled on a regular basis, then your water is more than likely fine to drink. Filling and emptying (Purging) your tank keeps the contents fresh. Tanks are now constructed from stainless or black plastic, which prevents algae from growing as it needs light and if you’re living in a cold climate, the temperature impedes the growth or reproduction of Microbiological contaminants.

Westcoast Trailer and Caravan Services, Algae in Tank, Tank Cleaning Service

Mostly, the hoses coming from your tank are clear plastic, if it’s been awhile and your Camping Trailer is parked outside, the chances are that if you go and check the hose where it exits the tank, you will see green algae growing there! Yuck!

Try never to leave your water tank half full for extended layup periods. You’re inviting disaster, especially if the water has come from a source that you are unsure of. Add a few hot days and you are on the way to making toxic soup.

Westcoast Trailer and Caravan Services, Unfiltered Water, Contaminated Water

I’d like to share something with some of the owners of new Camping Trailers and Caravans. Your tank is full of Chemical Contaminates from the production process. Worse. If you have purchased a Chinese Import Camping Trailer or Caravan (There are some awesome Chinese Imports) and the tank was fitted in China, then they, as part of the Quality Control, partially filled your tank to test it. Not with Treated Australian tap water. Every time I have had to disconnect a water tank hose on a New Camping Trailer or Caravan, whilst assembling it, a liter or so of water comes out, all the way from China. I take the precaution of having zero contact with it, as having traveled through Asia, I know that that water can’t contain anything good. The Camping Trailer then leaves the assembly workshop with the Quality Control people and the tank is filled with water for a water test. The tap is turned on and if water comes out and there are no leaks, it is passed onto the customer with the tank full. Voicing my concerns always fell on deaf ears.

The Tank hasn’t been cleaned; the water lines haven’t been purged. Worth a thought don’t you think?


So, after a fantastic Camping Trip, you come home and park up. There are two trains of thoughts in regards to how to leave your water tank. The first is “Full”. Full as in no air space, so as to prevent the growth of Microbiological contaminants. The second train of thought is “Empty” as in bone dry so as to prevent the growth of Microbiological contaminants.

Both of these are great! But the reality is we can’t achieve either one for extended storage. This means that every one of us, at least once a year should clean and flush not only the water tank but the lines to every tap.

This is where all the old hands will get interested, as there are hundreds of witches brews and potions to clean out the tank of all the bugs and gunk. I appreciate my family’s health so I purchase a product that has instructions and has to do the job it says on the label, so as to be legally on the shelf.

Follow the instructions. You will need to know the tank size so as to dose it correctly.

Regardless of the product, they will all have a soaking period, followed by a drain and flush procedure. During the soaking period, take the time to go to each tap and turn it on for a minute so as to allow the product to clean your water lines too. When Flushing, again turn on each tap, this time for two minutes to also flush the lines.

If you have read my introduction when I started this Blog, you will know that I have spent many years as a Marine Engineer. Water on many of the Ships I sailed was made via a Reverse Osmosis or Desal Plant. I haven’t poisoned anyone yet. To clean the plants and all the associated equipment to make the water, we use Citric Acid, at a rate of 200 grams to 10 liters, recirculating it for 1 hour. I do the same for my Water Tank once a year, using a cheap self priming water pump and some clear water hose so as to recirculate the Citric Acid through the tank. It’s inexpensive and non toxic.

Westcoast Trailer and Caravan Services, Water Tank, Filtered Water

It doesn’t really matter what product you decide on, what matters is the Health of your family and taking the time once a year in cleaning your water tank and lines, will help make for a happy time for all.


If you need some advice, want you water system professionally

Westcoast Trailer and Caravan Services, Trailer Repairs Perth, Caravan Repairs Perth

treated and flushed, looking for a water treatment solution or even adding a new water tank, give Westcoast Trailer and Caravan Services a call. They stock a number of water treatment solutions and can supply and fit water tanks and Filtration Systems to keep your loved ones safe.

Westcoast Trailer and Caravan Services, Caravan Water Filtration System, Water Filter

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